Table of Contents

Hardware Compatibility

Hardware Check

  1. To check if your motherboard is compatible with BFW PRO, you must use the bfwpro-check application that is available at Downloads BrazilFW Professional Edition.

  2. bfwpro-check is compatible with boot by MBR or UEFI and accessing ISO Download and Burn you will see how to burn it to CD/DVD or USB media.

  3. After recording the optical media or flash memory, prepare the boot of your machine so that it is through the recorded device.

  4. Start your machine with the recorded device. bfwpro-check will run compatibility tests.

  5. Finished the tests and your motherboard being compatible with BFW PRO, in the end, will have the following result:

  6. [x.xxxxxx] [BFWPRO] SUCESS: The hardware is Compatible!!!

  7. Ready. Your motherboard is compatible with BFW PRO and you can install the Installation ISO.

Compatible Motherboards

Manufacturer Mainboard Model Bios Version contribution
ASUS Sabertooth P67 3602 Woshman
P8H77-V LE 1001 nclaria
P8Z77-V 1.02 pazini
M5A78L 1201 Mortinho
H110M-C/BR 1.03 hoertel
M2N68-AM SE2 2.0 hoertel
A558M-K Rev 1.02 Kast0r
GygaByte B75M-D3V F5 reginaldo
Intel DH55TC TCI BX10H.86A reginaldo
DH55HC TCI BX10H.86A reginaldo
Lenovo 1578G6P 9QKT39AUS reginaldo
Positivo UW3 V3F62 edfraoli
Dell G33M02 1.0.16 Woshman
2016/12/21 06:25 · reginaldo

Not Compatible Motherboards

Manufacturer Mainboard Model Bios Version contribution
ASRock H55M-LE G/A 1.03 pazini
GygaByte GA-H61M0DS2H F8a edfraoli
GA-B75M-D3H F14 reginaldo
G1-Sniper A88X-CF 2.7 hoertel
GA-MA78GM-S2H 12b woshman
HP 945GZ7MC (Lucknow) 5.10 woshman
Compaq Pro 6300 SFF K01 v02.05 megiato
2016/12/21 18:31 · reginaldo


Reginaldo 2016/12/20 09:29