====== Hardware Compatibility ====== * BrazilFW Professional Edition is only available for 64-bit architecture and is not compatible with virtualized environments.\\ \\ * Before installing BFW PRO on your machine, make sure your motherboard is listed **Compatible Motherboards**.\\ \\ * If your motherboard is not listed, you will need to do a hardware check, which will be seen below.\\ ===== Hardware Check ===== - To check if your motherboard is compatible with BFW PRO, you must use the ** bfwpro-check ** application that is available at **[[https://pro.brazilfw.com.br/index.php?action=downloads|Downloads BrazilFW Professional Edition]]**.\\ \\ - ** bfwpro-check ** is compatible with boot by **MBR or UEFI** and accessing **[[en:download_iso_burn|ISO Download and Burn]]** you will see how to burn it to CD/DVD or USB media.\\ \\ - After recording the optical media or flash memory, prepare the ** boot ** of your machine so that it is through the recorded device.\\ \\ - Start your machine with the recorded device. **bfwpro-check** will run compatibility tests.\\ \\ - Finished the tests and your motherboard being compatible with **BFW PRO**, in the end, will have the following result:\\ \\ - [x.xxxxxx] [BFWPRO] SUCESS: The hardware is Compatible!!!\\ \\ - Ready. Your motherboard is compatible with BFW PRO and you can install the Installation ISO.\\ ===== Compatible Motherboards ===== * Below is the list of motherboards tested and Compatible with the **BFW PRO**. {{page>[compatible_motherboards]]}} ===== Not Compatible Motherboards ===== * Below is the list of motherboards tested and **Not** compatible with **BFW PRO**. {{page>[en:motherboards_not_compatible]]}} ====== Sources ====== * This chapter was translated from its original in Portuguese-Brazil by [[reginaldo@brazilfw.com.br|Reginaldo]] through [[https://translate.google.com.br/|Google Translate]].\\ * Do you have a better translation for this chapter?\\ * So, please send email to reginaldo@brazilfw.com.br --- //[[reginaldo@brazilfw.com.br|Reginaldo]] 2016/12/20 09:29//